Our Story
Our story begins when Jim and Sherri Borton established Lincoln Way Vineyards, Inc. in 2008 after planting the first block of Vidal Blanc grapes in 2006. The day that Jim picked up the vines to plant he was told, “Jim, you’re going to be a winery someday, you just don’t know it yet”. Jim’s reply, “let me make sure we don’t kill these vines before we talk about a winery.”
Jim and Sherri started making wine as a hobby soon after the first vines were planted. Each batch showed improvement and ultimately the wines received awards in various amateur contests, not to mention positive feedback from friends and family. Between them they were awarded class winner(s), Grand and Reserve Champion, Honorable Mention, and various medals at local fairs to international amateur contests. These successes led the couple to explore the development of a winery.
Fast forward to 2016, five (5) more acres of vines were planted, and the abandoned warehouse, now the winery building, just down the road from the original vineyard, was purchased at auction. In early 2018, construction to convert the building to a winery began and the winery tasting room opened in late October 2018.
Along with Jim and Sherri’s children, Alex and Arianna, and several part time staff, the Borton’s operate Lincoln Way Vineyards. Jim oversees the day-to-day operation of all facets of the company and runs the tasting room where you might find him evenings and weekends, while Sherri serves as the “chief blending officer”, marketing manager and accountant. Sherri will jump into the tasting room occasionally as well.
The kids both claimed the vineyards and winery as their FFA supervised agricultural experience (SAE) projects. Both earning their State and American FFA Degrees in the process through their high school and early college careers with Arianna placing top 5 in the nation with her Food Processing SAE.
Today Alex is the lone full-time employee as the Vineyard Manager where he oversees all vineyard operations and assists with wine production (Cellar Rat). Ari is responsible for our Sidetracked Cider hard cider brand, helps with wine production, wine analysis (Lab Rat), wine blending/bottling our and business operations while attending The Ohio State University majoring in Food Science.
Today, as the saying goes, to make a small fortune in the wine industry, you start with a large one, so both Jim and Sherri still work full time away from the winery, so it takes some effort to find time to not only make wine, but to have time to drink and enjoy it.
Thus, “Find Your Wine Time”® was born which has translated to our labels incorporating the “L” from the Lincoln Highway signs into hands on a clock seen on our labels. Thus our time series wines One Fifty-Five, Four O’Four, Six-Sixteen, Nine Twenty-Nine and Twelve Forty-Five.
Come visit and Find Your Wine Time®